Sorry for not blogging as much as I want but I have some trouble finding what to wright about.

My friend is really funny^^
She knows that I like this guy so she is going to help me see if this guy is in to me^^ and if he is, she is going to tell him some stuff that I like^^
Because she is already telling me stuff about him^^ so far so good^^
The funny bit is she knows what I look for in a guy and she is telling me his is it.
I love her^^
And she wants me to help her find a guy that is good for her^^
We will have to see how this ends
and I promise that I will keep you guys in the loop^^
This is what I hope we both will find in the end:

And who know maybe this:

(the pics are from: Google)
But that is a bit to far for now^^
But dreams are nice^^
I really miss beeing in his big arms as they hold me so thight^^
and yes I have meet him before^^
And I want my friend to have the same feeling when a man hold her^^ so I am going to help as much as I can^^
That is it.
Have a Kawaii~tastic morning now sweeties.
I know I will.