Oyasumi nasai



It is time for bed and I am really sleepy.
Me and work went shopping today^^
This is what came home with me:
From: Myrornas
Before shopping we hade a coffee and sweets.
I only hade coffee^^
Or a hazelnut soya latte.
Yum yum.
After that I went to the city with Mimmi a took this with me:
From: Blue fox
From: Punkt shop

Before work me and my mom was as the vet with Shigo and it went oki.
We saw his lost testicle and everything looked good^^
But the time ran away so I hade to eat lunch alone (-_-)
Not that sad^^

Today was oki.
How was your day?

Now I have to sleep.
Oyasumi nasai mina^^

Have a Kawaii~tastic night now sweeties.
I know I will.

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